The Batista Group

Batista Group Pictures

ERASE Town Hall February 2025


ESI Solar Photochemistry Dinner 2025


Statistical Mechanics Halloween


Victor at the ARQC Project Kickoff Meeting


Farewell Group Barbeque for Zhuoran


Victor meets Prof. Dario Darin at INQUIMAE Institute of the FCEyN UBA


Introducing Quantum Computing Concepts during the Yale Pathways Summer Program


Group BBQ Summer 2024


ACTC 2024


Federica visits the Lab


Subha meets Micheline at the Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference 2024 (MWTCC)


Francesco (PhD student from the Rivalta group) Joins the Group for the Summer


Yale PostDoc Symposium 2024


Jinchan visits Ke at Nankai University


Victor in Utah (Henry Eyring Theory Lecture at University of Utah)


AI's Impact on Chemistry Research and Teaching Panelists at the SCL 101st Anniversary Celebration . Left to right: Michelle Lynn (NVIDIA), Victor Batista, Jennifer Stauffer (Senior Fellow, Knowles Teaching Initiative) and Jennifer Frederic (Executive Director of the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning and Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives)


Fashion Coherence


New Haven Solar Eclipse 2024


ACS Spring 2024


Ningyi's Thesis Defense


Graduate Visiting Days 2024


63rd Sanibel Symposium - Presenting Work on Quantum Computing


Ke's Group at Nankai University (2023)


Farewell Group Picture for Federica


Jan Paul, Victor and Zhuoran visit ENIAC at UMichigan


Ben and Shiva working together at Schrodinger


Paul Bergold visits the Group


Group Outing


2023 Group Barbecue


Micheline and Subha Meet at the ACS Northwest Regional Meeting


Introducing Quantum Computing Concepts during the Yale Pathways Summer Program


Micheline and Paul Meet at Conference


Ray's Thesis Defense


Barbecue for 4th of July at Peter's House


Ice Cream Fika on June 16th 2023


Lunch on June 12th 2023


Graduation Barbecue for Jessica and Ray


Haote, Randy and Victor at the Yale Innovation Summit


Federica Meets Ben at Schrodinger


Photosystem II Group 2023


Batista Lab Ski Trip


Jessica's Thesis Defense


Peter's Thesis Defense


Farewell Dinner for Ellen at 80 Proof


Quantum Computing Mini Workshop at the University of New Haven


2022 Holiday Party


Brandon and Victor at Dinner with Collaborators on Quantum Computing During the CECAM Meeting in Paris


Haote Presents his "CD by NMR" Method for Secondary Structure Prediction


Facheng's Thesis Defense


Group Dinner at The Place in Guilford


Jinchan Gets a "Solvation Tattoo" During a PSII Meeting


The Photosystem II Research Team Gets Together at Yale


Subha's Commencement Ceremony


Daniel, Kenny, and Alex Reunite at Stanford


Krystle's Thesis Defense


Daniel Practices for his Presentation at the 2021 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium


Hot Pot Party


Ben, Yueshen, and Pablo G.B. Meet Up at Caltech


Energy Sciences Institute 2020 Group Picture


Assembling Our 2020 Visiting Day Poster


Ben and Cliff Meet at Columbia


Shiva and Muneeb Meet Up at Insitro


Subha's Thesis Seminar


Ben and Jason Meet Up in NYC


NSF MIP Presentation


Ben R Visits!


Celebrating Victor's Endowed Professorship!


NERM 2019 - Saratoga Springs


TSRC Alternative Energy Workshop 2019


Ben Rudshteyn and Richard May Meeting Up at Columbia


Ben and Florentina Meeting Up at MACC-NYAGIM 2019


ACS 2019 Spring National Convention, Orlando, FL


Kenny's (Kenneth Jung) Thesis Defense


59th Sanibel Meeting - Ruedenberg Symposium St. Simons Island, GA


Microsoft Quantum Computers Talk


Atanu's Last Fika


Batista Lab Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018


Energy Sciences Institute 2018


Chemistry/Collaboration in Action


XVII Mexican Meeting of Theoretical Chemistry - 2018-11-22


Nuevas Formas de Almacenamiento de Energias Renovables 2018 - 2018-10-20


Flu Shot Day 2018 - 2018-10-03


Gordan Research Conference on Computational Chemistry- 2018-07-22


Condensed Phase Dynamics Workshop - Telluride, Colorado - 2018-07-21


Cokerfest 2018 - 2018-07-07


Victor's Talk at Xi'an Jiaotong University - 2018-05-03


Ben's Graduation - 2018-05-24


ANSER Symposium 2018 - 2018-04-27


March Visiting Day Poster Session 2018 - 2018-02-27


Ben Rudshteyn Thesis - 2018-02-27


Being Green for St. Patrick's Day - 2018-03-16


Igloo on the Yale Campus - 2018-03-12


Victor visits the Auburn University - 2018-02-16


Victor visits the University of Alabama - 2018-02-14


Victor with a Fruit Basket - 2018-01-18


ESI Group Photo - 2018-01-17


Victor at Nature Conference on Materials Electrochemistry - 2018-01-13


Wear Einstein and Space Clothing in Lab Day - 2017-12-14


Victor Visits the University of Rochester 2017-11-30


SERMACS 2017: Contemporary Computational Chemistry Symposium - 2017-11-08 and 2017-11-09


Collaborator Zack Fishman (Pfefferle Lab) Defends His Thesis. Congratulations! - 2017-10-26


Flu Shot Day - 2017-10-20


Victor is Honored by Phi Beta Kappa at SUNY Albany. Congratulations! - 2017-10-12


Victor and Prof. Tully and Prof. Rubio Spotted in Google StreetView - 2017-8-02


Ke Welcomes the Newest Member of the Lab. Congratulations! - 2017-8-08


Batista Group at the American Conference of Theoretical Chemistry 2017-7-17 - 2017-7-20


Ben at the International Solar Fuels Conference 2017-07-05 - 2017-07-10


Cindy Yan's Thesis Defense 2017-06-30


Trip to Modern Apizza 2017-06-17


Summertime Lunch Outside 2017-06-13


2017 ANSER Symposium at Northwestern 2017-04-27 through 2017-04-28


ACS San Francisco 2017-04-02 through 2017-04-06


Misha's Thesis Seminar 2017-03-13


Trip to Arizona State University 2017-02-10


Metals in Biology GRC 2017-01-26


Batista Group Goes to the Theatre 2016-12-10, 2017-01-29


ESI Group Picture 2016-12-07


Batista Group Goes to the Movies 2016-11-19


Reunion with Dr. Sekharan 2016-11-02


Flu Shot Day 2016-10-16


Trip to Northwestern and University of Chicago 2016-09-04


Reunion with Dr. Luber and Prof. Rego & Group Picture at Vibrational Spectroscopy GRC 2016-07-21


It Adventure Indoor Ropes Course at Jordan's Furniture 2016-07-08


Telluride Summer School in Alternative Energy 2016-06-21


Excited State Processes Conference 2016-06-13


Group Tour of Yale HPC 2016-05-24


Ding Graduation Day 2016-05-23


Pablo Farewell Festivities 2016-05-12


Victor with Students and Faculty at Baker Symposium at Cornell 2016-04-29


Victor with Students at University of Colorado at Denver 2016-04-22


Jason and Kevin Ryan in NYC 2016-04-15


Michael and Victor 2016-03-09


Reunion with Prof. Dequan Xiao after P-Chem Club Talk 2016-02-16


MURI Annual Review Meeting at UC-San Diego 2016-01-25


Group Field Trip 2015-11-26


23rd International Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry 2015-11-13 and 2015-11-14


Electron Transfer Solar Meeting 2015-10-16


Flu Shot Day 2015-10-09


Periodic Table T-Shirt Appreciation Day 2015-09-30


Ding's Thesis Defense After Party 2015-07-28


Farewell to Postdocs Junming and Dalvin 2015-06-30


BBQ 2015-06-19


Eric and Victor 2014-10-22


ESI Group Picture 2014-07-02


TSRC 2014-06-24 to 2014-06-28


BBQ 2014-05-29


Farewell Ice Cream Cake for Undergrad Students 2013


BBQ 2013-03-15


Older Pictures