Congratulations to Jinchan Liu for being awarded the Young Bioenergeticist Award!
Congratulations to Dongyu who has been appointed Associate Professor at the HSE University!
Congratulations to Greg for being part of the 2024 Merck Innovation Cup's winning team!
Congratulations to Subha for being awarded an International Institute for Nanotechnology Postdoctoral Felloship!
Congratulations to Zhuoran for being awarded the DoE travel award for the aPS2 meeting!
Congratulations to Zanders for being awarded the 2024 Biophysics Training Grant Fellowship!
Congratulations to the EnLatent Team (Haote Li, Randy Shee, Conor Sheehan, Zhuoran Long and Anton Morgunov), whose proposal titled “ChemCrown for Retrosynthetic Revelations” was selected as a Semifinalist in the Standard Industries Chemical Innovation Challenge.
Congratulations to Xiaohan for receiving the best poster award at the Yale PostDoc Symposium, for his research on 'The q-HEOM Method: Mastering non-Markovian Open Quantum System Dynamics on Quantum Devices'
Congratulations to Anthony for being awarded a 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to Sandra Luber for earning a 2024 Early Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry!
Congratulations to Rishab for being awarded the Lowdin Postdoctoral Researcher Award at the 63rd Sanibel Symposium where he presented his work on Mapping Molecular Electronic States to Photonic States!
Congratulations to Ray who has been promoted to Senior Scientist at BI starting on December 1, 2023!
Congratulations to Jinchan for earning the Best Poster Award at the Photosynthesis Gordon Research Conference and presenting her work titled "PSII Express: the Atomistic Mechanism of Water Delivery to the OEC of PSII".
Congratulations to Jinchan for being invited to present her work at the Photosynthesis Gordon Research Seminar.
Congratulations to Anthony for earning an NIH Training Grant Fellowship!
Greg's award of a 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship was featured by the Yale Chemistry News
Congratulations to Ray for getting a Post-Doctoral position at Boehringer Ingelheim!
Haote and Randy's work on generative retrosynthesis, EnLatent, was featured at the Yale Innovation Summit!
Federica's work on the role of temperature in allostery was recently highlighted in Yale News!
Congratulations to Greg for earning a 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to Ray for defending his thesis! We all wish you the best of luck in your future in industry!
Congratulations to Jessica for defending her thesis! We all wish you the best of luck in your future in industry!
Congratulations to Peter for defending his thesis! We are all looking forward to having you as a full time group member!
Congratulations to Victor for being elected as a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE)! Official News Release
Micheline was recently featured in the Yale Society of Women Engineers newsletter!
Peter's work on the temperature dependence of conductivity in cytochrome nanowires was recently featured by Yale Scientific!
Congratulations to Victor for being named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry!
Our recent work with the Malvankar group on photoconductivity in microbial nanowires was highlighted by Yale News!
Congratulations to Facheng for defending his thesis! Best of luck in your future as a software engineer!
Please join us for the NSF CCI Quantum Computing Workshop at Yale on August 27. There will be many exciting talks about applications of quantum computing to chemistry! (Announcement, Schedule)
Congratulations to Ke on his new faculty position at Nankai University!
Congratulations to Daniel for winning the Arthur Fleischer Award for "outstanding performance in Chemistry" and for graduating from Yale College! Good luck in graduate school at Berkeley!
Congratulations to Tucker for graduating from Yale College! Good luck in medical school at Washington University in St. Louis!
Congratulations to Micheline who has been appointed Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin–Madison!
Congratulations to Atanu who has been appointed Assistant Professor at Syracuse University!
Check out the press release for Peter's new paper on conductivity in bacterial nanowires!
Congratulations to Daniel for winning a 2022 NSF GRFP! Good luck at Berkeley next year!
Congratulations to Jinchan for her recent Biophysical Society presentation! (Abstract)
Congratulations to Victor for being named the John Gamble Kirkwood Professor in Chemistry! This exciting new appointment was highlighted in Yale News.
We are designing artificial photosynthetic systems consisting of tunable III-nitride nanostructures for activation of N≡N and C-H bonds. Learn more about this multi-institution DoD MURI project on the U. Michigan website!
Congratulations to Daniel for winning the “Outstanding Presentation in Computational Chemistry” award at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Congratulations to Krystle for successfully defending her thesis!
Congratulations to Daniel for his invited presentation at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Check out the Yale Quantum Institute website for info about the new Center for Quantum Dynamics on Modular Quantum Devices and other exciting developments in quantum science at Yale!
Our new NSF Center for Quantum Dynamics on Modular Quantum Devices was featured in Yale News!
Daniel was featured in Yale News along with three other Yale Goldwater Scholars!
Congratulations to Daniel for being awarded a 2021 Goldwater Scholarship!
Victor was interviewed by Yale News to discuss our group's progress on devices for artificial photosynthesis!
Our recent paper on OmcZ nanowires was highlighted by SYFY and compared to the superpowers of the Flash!
Congratulations to Jennifer Doudna for winning the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Emmanuelle Charpentier for their pioneering work on CRISPR gene editing -- Our collaborative work
Congratulations to Sam Warren who received a B.S. degree in Chemistry upon graduation from Yale with the 2020 Arthur Fleischer Award for “outstanding performance in Chemistry.” Aside from his exceptional research accomplishments, Sam is to be commended for his superb academic performance while engaging in a rigorous physical sciences curriculum.
Congratulations to Peter for successfully securing funding for his summer research through the Ezra Stiles Richter Summer Fellowship and the Gary Stein Fellowship!
Congratulations to Subha for successfully defending his thesis on 11/25/19!
Congratulations Ke for his nature article and being recognized in Yale News!
Congratulations to Victor on joining the Yale Quantum Institute! Additional News
Congratulations Krystle for receiving the Tully Fellowship for incredible research progress and promise of future progress!
Congratulations to Victor on becoming a member of the EU Academy of Sciences!
Congratulations to Victor for news and even more news celebrating his new appointment!
Congratulations to Krystle for winning the 2019 Photosynthesis GRC Poster Award!
Congratulations to Victor for his appointment as the John Randolph Huffman Professor of Chemistry endowed chair position. This honor is awarded to those who have brought distinction to the university through their scholarship.
Check out this upcoming program on Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences!
Congratulations to Alex for receiving the "Arthur Fleischer Award" for his "outstanding performance in Chemistry" evidenced by his research and academic performance.
Congratulations to Ray and Jessica for publishing their first paper, "Search for Catalysts by Inverse Design: Artificial Intelligence, Mountain Climbers, and Alchemists", in Chemical Reviews!
Congratulations to Krystle for receiving "The Baruch '60 Award of Excellence" for her poster at the Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference!
Congratulations to Krystle, Uriel, Alex G, and Victor for having your publication turned into an Inorganics cover!
Congratulations to Kenny for getting a post-doctoral position with Prof. Paul Brumer at the University of Toronto!
Congratulations to Wendu Ding for receiving and accepting a faculty position at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC!
Congratulations to Micheline Soley for receiving the Blue Waters Fellowship!
Congratulations to Jessica for receiving an ACS Member Insurance Program fellowship to attend the 257th ACS National Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Congratulations to Uriel and Victor for making it into Yale News !
Congratulations to Alex Chang for having his first article published!
Congratulations to Ivan Rivalta for becoming an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna the oldest university in continuous operation since it was funded in 1088
Congratulations to Jennefer Wei for defending her thesis and accepting a position at Google Brain Research!
Congratulations to Atanu for being awarded computational time on Anton from Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
Congratulations to Ke for his article End-On Bound Iridium Dinuclear Heterogeneous Catalysts on WO3 for Solar Water Oxidation being highlighted by
Congratulations to Kenny and Pablo for their paper, Inclusion of Nuclear Quantum Effects for Simulation of Nonlinear Spectroscopy, recieving Editor's Pick in the Journal of Chemical Physics!
Check out the highlight about Yale students volunteering at the New Haven science fair. Thanks Ben and Adam for volunteering. Ben can be seen in picture 3.
See Lucky's work on smell highlighted in this Yale Daily News article.
Congratulations to Pranam Dey for his acceptance into the Yale School of Medicine as a medical student.
Congratulations to Kenny and Pablo for being accepted to attend the Path Integral Quantum Mechanics: From the Basics to the Latest Developments CECAM Workshop!
Congratulations to Ke for making the Yale News! -- Original publication
Congratulations to Ben for successfully defending his thesis on February 27, 2018!
Congratulations to former member Sandra Luber for
receiving the 2018 Swiss Chemical Society Werner
Congratulations to Victor for being elected the ACS PHYS Councillor!
Congratulations to former members Amendra, Raj, and Ivan for making the cover, of JACS for their CRISPR article ! -- Original publication
Congratulations to Adam and former member Svante for having their recent work highlighted in
Nature Materials,
Hartford Business,
PC Perspective,
-- Original publication.
Congratulations to Adam for being selected to give a talk at the 2017 Yale Chemistry Symposium!
Congratulations to Ke and his wife on the birth of their baby!
Congratulations to Ben for receiving the ISF-2 Young Diversity Award and an ISF-2 Main Poster Award to support his trip to
the 2017 International Solar Fuels Conference!
Congratulations to Krystle for being selected as a Yale Biophysical Training Grant student for the academic year (2017-2018).
Congratulations to former members Junming and Dalvin for having their PNAS paper highlighted by
Congratulations to Amendra for receiving a Yale Postdoctoral Scholars Travel Fund Award to attend the July 2017 American Conference on Theoretical
Chemistry in Boston.
Congratulations to Heidi for receiving the Baruch '60 Center for Biochemical Solar Energy Research - Baruch '60 Award of Excellence for her oral presentation,
put together with help from Heather, at the Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference!
Congratulations to Victor and Prof. Loria for having their collaboration highlighted in YaleNews.
Congratulations to Victor for being named a Visiting Scholar at Phi
Beta Kappa!
Congratulations to Ben for receiving a GSA Conference Travel Fellowship Award to attend the Spring 2017 ACS Meeting.
Congratulations to Kenny for receiving funding from the Telluride School on Theoretical Chemistry to attend the session in July 2017.
Congratulations to Ke for having his artlce highlighted in E&E News and
Yale News.
Congratulations to Heidi for securing an assistant professorship at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania!
Congratulations to Lucky for receiving a Yale Postdoctoral Scholars Travel Fund Award to attend the Spring 2017 ACS Meeting in San Francisco.
Congratulations to former postdoc Sandra Luber for winning the 2017 Clara
Immerwahr Award.
Congratulations to Raj for being accepted to present at the iPOLS 2017 Physics of Living Systems conference at Paris with full funding for travel and
Congratulations to Lucky for having her article
highlighted in American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
Science's Blog In The Pipeline,
and in Phys.Org.
-- Original publication.
Congratulations to Misha for receiving a GSA Conference Travel Fellowship to attend the 2016 Photosynthesis Congress.
Congratulations to Raj for being selected as a Yale Biophysical Training Grant student for the academic year (2016-2017).
Congratulations to Heidi for receiving a Yale Postdoctoral Scholars Travel Fund Award to attend the 2016 Gordon Research Conference on
Molecular Interactions and Dynamics,
where she was also invited to give a short talk.
Congratulations to Ben for receiving a travel grant to attend the 2016 Excited State Processes
Congratulations to Misha for having his article
selected as an Editor's Suggestion at
Physical Review Letters.
-- Original publication.
Congratulations to Ben for being selected to give an oral presentation
at the Vibrational Spectroscopy
Gordon Research Seminar.
Congratulations, Svante for being awarded this year's Inga Fischer-Hjalmar's Award from the Section of Theoretical Chemistry at the Swedish
Chemical Society! The motivation reads:
"The Inga Fischer-Hjalmar's prize for the best doctoral thesis in theoretical chemistry in 2015 is awarded to Svante Hedström, Lund University, for the
dissertation: "Computational Predictions of Conjugated Polymer Properties for Photovoltaic Applications", which in a very commendable way uses advanced quantum
chemical calculations to make high-quality analyzes and predictions of the optical properties of new polymers with high relevance in the important solar energy
Congratulations to Subha for being highlighted in the
New Journal of Chemistry Blog,
Yale West Campus News,
and the
Yale Daily News
-- Original publication.
Congratulations to Misha for receiving an award for his presentation
at the 33rd Eastern Photosynthesis Conference 2016 at the
Marine Biological Laboratory.
Congratulations to Misha for obtaining a travel grant to attend the
79th Harden Conference: Oxygen Evolution and Reduction - Common
Principles on 16-20 April 2016 in Austria.
Congratulations current grad student Adam Matula on being an
Congratulations to Subha for making the cover of the New Journal of Chemistry -- Original publication.
Calling all those studying alternative energy: Applications are being accepted for the 2016 TSRC Summer School on Fundamental Science Alternative Energy (6/21–6/25), offered for the second time in
Telluride. Sign up today!
Congratulations to Ben for his appearance in the ACS New Haven Local Section
Newsletter for his work in the Younger Chemists Committee.
Congratulations to alum Ding for making the cover of JCTC -- Original publication.
Congratulations to Ben for being highlighted by CUNY in the NYPost: see see PressReader or Brooklyn College Chemistry's site.
Highlight on Yale Center for Research Computing Website: The Origin and Application of Single-Molecule Rectification.
Highlight on Max-Born-Institute Website:
Vibrant Exciting Photoacids.
-- Original publication.
Congratulations to current postdoc Dalvin D. Mendez-Hernandez for joining the faculty of the University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Chemistry Department.
Highlight in PNAS: Laying a controversial smell theory to rest
and in Condensed Concepts Blog: Quantum biology smells bad.
-- Original publication.
Congratulations current grad student Ben Rudshteyn and former undergraduate Jennifer Wei who have joined other group alumni including Micheline Soley and Jason Bedford in being:
NSFGRFP Winners!
Highlight in Yale Scientific Magazine:
What's in your Buffer?
NERSC publication:
Turning Greenhouse Gases into Gold
Highlight in C&EN:
How Carbon Dioxide Is Reduced By Pt And Pyridine
Original publication.
Highlight in ChemistryViews:
Modeling Melanopsin to Understand the Circadian Rhythm
Original publication.
Interview in La Fuerza 2009: