Yale University     Department of Chemistry     Fall 2009

Chemistry 114a


Lect. MWF 10.30-11.20     (SCL 110)

Prof. Victor S. Batista

Office: SCL 239       Phone: (203) 432-6672     E-mail: [email protected]

Discussion Sessions

Teaching Assistants

Ravi Pokhrel (Ravi.[email protected])
Section 07 Tuesday(1:30-2:20) SCL 18; Section 13 Thursday(1:30-2:20) SCL 18
Karin Brumback ([email protected])
Section 05 Tuesday(11:35-12:25) SCL 18; Section 12 Thursday(11:35-12:25) SCL 18
Frederick Ling ([email protected])
Section 02 Monday(11:35-12:25) SCL 111; Section 03 Monday(1:30-2:20) SCL 18
Elena Poiata (Elena.Poiata@yale.edu)
Section 01 Monday(11:35-12:25) SCL 18; Section 04 Monday(2:30-3:20) SCL 18
  Adam Chandler (Adam.Chandler@yale.edu)
Section 06 Tuesday(11:35-12:25) SCL 19; Section 08 Tuesday(2:30-3:20) SCL 18
Kate Buettner ([email protected])
Section 09 Wednesday (11:35-12:25) SCL 18; Section 10 Wednesday  SCL 18 (1:30-2:20)
Erin Savage([email protected])
Section 14 Thursday (2:30-3:20) SCL 18;
Section 11 Wednesday (2:30-3:20) SCL 18

Experimental Demonstrations
 Dr. Narasimhan Ganapathi
Office: SCL 106     Phone: (203) 432-3949 (office)     Email:[email protected]

This website will be constantly updated throughout the semester. Please, check for updates every week. Thanks!

Course Description

Chemistry 114 introduces the fundamentals of chemistry and chemical reactivity with emphasis on scientific problem-solving skills through lectures and discussion sections devoted to quantitative reasoning. Students are encouraged to develop skills in scientific inquiry through the study of the physical and chemical nature of matter; learn chemical principles and problem-solving techniques and apply these scientific principles to solve qualitative and quantitative problems. The selected textbook for this class is "Chemistry"
8th Edition, by S.S. Zumdhal and S. A. Zumdhal, Brooks/Cole.

The course fulfills the prerequisites for medical school and for all majors requiring a year of general chemistry as well as the general chemistry prerequisite for CHEM 220a or 225b.

Class Webpage: http://www.chem.yale.edu/~batista/114/

Tentative Distribution of Topics


Homework Assignments

Chapter Assignment Date Due
Chapter 01 24,32,36,52,72,76,84,98,112,114 
Sept 11
Chapter 02 32,36,58,68,78,86,90,100,106,110
Sept 18
Chapter 03 66,94,102,112,138,146,154,162,168,171
Sept 25
Chapter 04 20,42,54,60,76,84,106,118,128,134 Oct 2
Chapter 05 26,56,68,94,104,126,132,142,150,152 Oct   9
Chapter 06 26,44,54,66,74,80,92,108,120,126 Oct   16
Chapter 07 48,60,70,76,86,100,122,150,156,168 Oct  23
Chapter 08 38,56,70,82,116,122,138,144,152,156 Nov 6
Chapter 09 30,36,44,48,54,66,74,80,88,92 Nov  13
Chapter 10 32,40,62,76,100,104,114,134,140,142 Nov  20
Chapter 11 16,30,38,46,56,66,78,100,108,118 Dec 4

Grading: There will be a total of 600 points possible. The breakdown is as follows: three (3) exams, the worst will be dropped, for a total of 200 points; assigned homework problems for a total of 150 points, assistance to lectures recorded on random dates for a total of 50 points, and a final comprehensive exam for a total of 200 points. The final grade is determined from an overall curve distribution of grades.

Make-Up Policy: Any missed exam requires a valid Dean's excuse. Students are allowed to drop one exam. With a valid Dean's excuse, if you miss two exams the first will be considered the worst score and dropped, and the material from the second exam will be evaluated on the final. You will be given 50 minutes to complete the section of the exam that corresponds to the material that you missed. Dean's excuses must be given to Prof. Batista within 3 days of the missing exam.

Office Hours: Prof. Batista's office hours: Monday and Thursday 11:30am-12:30pm at SCL 239. Please, feel free to contact Prof. Batista by phone, e-mail or stop by his offices whenever you need assistance. Include your name, phone number and e-mail address on all correspondences. Your Teaching Assistants (TA's) will also give you their corresponding schedules for office hours and discussion sections.